Mumbai: Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena's (UBT) mouthpiece Saamana on Tuesday slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah over 40,000 women going missing from Gujarat in the last five years. Citing the report of the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), the paper questioned the BJP leaders about governance in Gujarat.
Alleging that the NCRB report has clearly revealed the problems of governance in Gujarat, it said: "Gujarat is being promoted as the role model for the country's development as it is the prime minister's state. But, who will search the missing girls? For the BJP, 'Love Jihad' is a trump card to create tension while thousands of girls remain missing. If the rule of law exists in Gujarat then the missing girls will surely get justice, it added.
"Modi and Shah are acting as if they are the saviours of the country and that law and order never existed before 2014. Modi's disciples keep claiming that the entire population of the country has been saved after he became the prime minister. The NCRB report has exposed the hypocrisy of Modi-Shah administration. It has to be noted that the report has not been released by the political opponents of the BJP but by the NCRB," the paper said.
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Saamana apprehended that NCRB might be banned for revealing such information saying, "When people speak against the rulers in the country, action is taken. There is a possibility that the NCRB may face permanent ban for bringing this information to the fore".
"Poor women in India used to be lured of jobs and sent to Gulf countries. After going there, the deceived women lived as slaves of the Arabs till their death. Although this has decreased now, the rate of missing girls is still significant. It alleged that despite atrocities of women being reported, Modi and Shah were not worried. "At Jantar-Mantar, women wrestlers are staging a sit-in for justice. But, neither Modi or Shah are talking about it," it said.
As per the NCRB report released two days back, Madhya Pradesh ranks first in the list of missing women followed by Maharashtra, West Bengal and Odisha.