Aurangabad (Maharashtra): Telangana Chief Minister and Bharat Rashtra Samiti chief Chandrashekhar Rao's proposed alliance with Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana leader Raju Shetti hangs in balance with the latter turning down the offer saying his priority was raising farmers' issues. Shetty said his organisation would continue working for the farmers and fight for their rights.
He said he and Rao had worked together from 2009 to 2014 and had recently held a meeting on Telangana's development. "We had a discussion and (Chandrashekhar Rao) asked me to join the Bharat Rashtra Samiti and offered to appoint me as the party chief for Maharashtra. But, I have politely refused his offer. I have dedicated my life to the welfare of farmers and want to work for their issues," Shetti said.
According to Shetti, many other political parties had given similar offers of alliance in the past, but he had refused. He said his competence is best judged by the farmers, for whom he is working. The Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana held a meeting at Paithan on Monday and discussed a host of issues pertaining to the farmers.
The hike in electricity rates, prices of onions and cotton as well as crop insurance money came up at the meeting. The organisation demanded an inquiry into the incident of farmers being attacked with sticks by the police at Buldhana. The Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana said they will launch a protest on all major roads on February 22. Earlier, Rao held a meeting in Nanded on February 5 and urged all former MPs to join Bharat Rashtra Samiti.