Pune: Pune police rescued three minor girls who had left their house in Delhi after a dispute with family members and traveled all the way to Pune in search of jobs, officials said.
The girls aged 13, 16, and 17 years, are residents of Chakki Wali Galli, Sector 27, Atta Market, Noida. On Tuesday night, they reached out to a hotel in Somwar Peth in Pune seeking shelter for a night. The hotel manager got suspicious as there was no elderly person with them and immediately informed the police. Police officials of the Samarth police station spoke to them and it was revealed that the girls had a dispute with their family and hence boarded a train and reached Pune in search of jobs.
Also read: One arrested in minor girl killed in Outer Delhi over mother's affair
The Pune police then contacted Delhi police and informed them about the incident. Their parents had registered a missing complaint with the Delhi police regarding the same. Police also said that their brother had been informed about their presence in Pune. The girls have been sent to a juvenile detention center for safety reasons and they will be handed over to the family soon.