Pune (Maharashtra) : A deputy bank manager was arrested for allegedly taking Rs 2 crore from a currency chest of a public sector bank in Pune in an unauthorized way, police said on Monday. The Pune rural police have also arrested two others in the case and an offence has been registered against the trio under section 408 (criminal breach of trust by clerk or servant), 420 (cheating) and other relevant sections of IPC.
Sleuths of the crime branch intercepted a car on Friday evening and found three people - Amol Kanchar, Santosh Vaijnath and Sushil Rawale - inside with Rs 2 crore in cash in two bags. "In the investigation, it was revealed that Rawale, one of the three accused, works as a deputy manager with the bank's currency chest at Manchar and he, by misusing his position, took out Rs 2 crore in an unauthorized manner," said the police in a statement. PTI