Mumbai: An Ola cab driver was arrested from Mumbai's Goregaon area and produced before a local court by Mumbai Police on Friday for molesting a 15-year-old passenger back on May 25. The court remanded him in police custody till May 30. He has been identified as one Murari Kumar Singh (29). The incident took place when the victim was returning home to Mumbai's Aarey Colony area from Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal.
According to the police, Singh gave questionable suggestions to the teenager, including being a 'friend'. He is also said to have gestured toward her, making obscene jokes when the 15-year-old faced a problem due to lack of spare change at the end of the trip. "An Ola cab driver was arrested from Goregaon in Mumbai for allegedly molesting a 15-year-old girl and making obscene gestures towards her on 25 May. The case was registered by Aarey Police Station," Sub Inspector Sachin Panchal told news agency ANI.
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"The minor alleged that the driver of the taxi stared at her throughout the journey. She further alleged that the driver made obscene comments while she told him that she need to go to her home to bring change money," he further noted. The case was registered by the police following a complaint by the victim's family members at the Aarey Police Station. Following his arrest, Singh pleaded guilty.