Nashik: A 24-year-old young man has allegedly frauded over Rs 10.50 lakh from his father's account while playing an online game in Maharashtra's Nashik, police informed on Saturday.
The accused son has been identified as Vicky Salekpal Dhingan of Jai Bhavani Road in Nashik.
According to police, the matter came to light when Vicky complained to the cyber police alleging theft of money from his bank account through online transactions.
Fearing the backlash from family after losing the money, he complained to the police alleging theft of money. However, within hours, the police uncovered the boy's whereabouts and cleared that the online fraud was done by the complainant himself, police said.
"Vicky's father had sold his land in his native village of Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh and deposited Rs 18 lakh 59 thousand 40 in Punjab National Bank to buy a flat in Nashik. Vicky's mobile was linked to that bank account. However, when he checked the bank transactions in May, it was found that over Rs 10.50 lakh had been withdrawn from the account. He had lodged a complaint with the cyber police alleging that online scammers had withdrawn the money from his bank account," informed Devraj Borse, cybercrime police officer.
"Vicky had a knack for gambling. So he squandered Rs 10.5 lakh online from his father's bank account in a rummy game and made a false accusation to hide his involvement. Meanwhile, cybercrime department exposed Vicky's involvement in the crime during the investigation and arrested him," Borse said.
"When the police conducted a detailed technical investigation, the cyber investigation concluded that the money had been spent on online rummy. The truth was revealed when they found messages of money spent on Vicky's mobile," he added.
On being informed about the matter, Vicky's father, Sakelpal Dhingan suffered a heart attack and is undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Nashik.
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