Nagpur (Maharashtra): A 25-year-old guy created a ruckus in the Nandanvan Police station by bringing in a 'homemade bomb'. Rahul Yuvraj Pagade of Saibaba Nagar made a bomb by watching Youtube videos. He later took it to the Nandanvan police station, as he didn't know how to defuse the bomb. During the lockdown, many people are pursuing their hobbies, some of them are also trending on social media platforms like Biscuit-Cake, Dalgona Coffee, terrace gardening, etc. However, this guy from Nagpur took the whole concept of 'DIY' to a whole new level, by making a bomb.
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The man soon realised that he can't defuse the bomb. So he came up with a plan. He put the bomb in a bag and took it to the Nadanvan police station, saying he found the bag containing the bomb on the road. However, the police had some doubts, so they interrogated him. He then confessed to the police that he made the bomb in his home after watching Youtube videos. Meanwhile, police informed the Bomb Disposal Squad, who defused the bomb by detaching its electric circuit from its battery.
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