Mumbai (Maharashtra): Mumbai police sent teams to the native places of the crew members who had died in the Barge P305 drowning incident due to Cyclone Tauktae so as to collect DNA samples of their parents and children in order to identify the bodies which were recovered from the sea, said Mumbai Police on Thursday. A total of 71 dead bodies were collected by the Indian Coast Guard and Navy from the sea and were kept at the JJ Hospital mortuary for identification. Out of the 71 bodies, 68 had been identified and had been handed over to families of the dead crew members. However, the bodies of eight crew members are still missing, according to Mumbai Police.
Raigad police handed eight dead bodies that are also kept at the JJ hospital mortuary and waiting to get identified. Soon the teams will be going to Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, etc to collect the samples of relatives of crew members to complete the identification process. The relatives of the missing crew members came to Mumbai and the samples collected by the police did not match with the dead bodies since they were distant relatives of the crew members. In order to properly identify the crew members, the Mumbai police would be going to the homes to collect the samples of parents or children. A total of three people of Pappa Management were arrested by the Mumbai Police in connection with the Barge P 305 drowning incident during Cyclone Tauktae in May.
Also read: DNA matching helps identify body of missing captain of barge P305