Pune: In an unusual case of physical misbehaviour, an 18 year old girl lodged a complaint with the police at Pune in Maharashtra alleging that her elder sister has molested her. Though the family members were reluctant to speak but police said that they are investigating into the matter sensitively.
The incident happened on Tuesday morning when the younger sister walked into Pune Airport police station and lodged a formal complaint alleging that she was sleeping in the hall when she found that her elder sister was trying to molest her. The complaint also revealed that both the sisters had a bitter quarrel between themselves and then she finally decided to approach the police.
Though police were not ready not divulge any details terming it at sensitive, but sources in the department said that elder sister who is 24 years old got married but she doesn’t stay with her husband. “She stays with her father and that has occasionally invited trouble in the family. We need to find out whether this was one of the reason behind the complaint or not. Presently the case is under investigation,” a senior police officer said.
Though the family was not ready to divulge any details but police said that younger sister was pursuing her Higher Secondary and she is not in good terms with her elder sister. “The incident is unlikely and little weird too. We need to find out whether this was done from her personal grudge or whether it is genuine. We are speaking to the family members and hope to sort it out soon,” the officer added.