Satara (Maharashtra): In a tragic incident, three people lost their lives when goods carrying Eicher Tempo, en route from Chakkachurmangaluru to Mumbai, collided with another vehicle on the Pune-Bengaluru National Highway near Dhangarwadi in Satara on Wednesday night, police said on Thursday.
According to the police, initially, the tempo carrying goods, in which three individuals were travelling, suffered a tire puncture on the Pune-Bengaluru National Highway during the late hours of Wednesday. The driver resumed the journey after replacing the tire. After covering a little distance, the tempo collided with another vehicle on its path which ultimately claimed three lives including the owner of the tempo.
The travellers present on the Highway informed the police about the incident. The cops reached the spot and with the help of a rescue team stationed in Shirwal, aided by cranes and JCB machines, worked diligently to extract the crushed tempo. The mishap caused a disruption in traffic along the Highway, temporarily halting the flow of vehicles.
Also read: Three youths from the same village died due to drowning in Canal in Karnal haryana.
Following extensive efforts from the police and the rescue team, the damaged tempo was removed from the wreckage. However, the driver and cleaner, along with the Eicher Tempo owner, met their demise in the accident.
The police officials informed that at the time of the accident, the tempo was in autonomous mode. The collision of the vehicles resulted in a loud and jarring noise. On Thursday morning, the family members of the deceased gathered to identify the victims.
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