Sangli (Maharashtra) : After 53 hours of searches, the ED has finally concluded its raid in the main branch of Rajarambapu Cooperative Bank at Islampur Peth at 5 am today. The ED team, which was probing into the alleged financial irregularities by an electronics business network, came out from Rajarambapu Bank at 5 am. All through this raid, 80 employees of the bank remained stranded and they were released only after 5 am.
The raids were being conducted on five businessmen including the Parekh brothers in Sangli city. The ED was probing their accounts in Rajarambapu Bank, which belongs to NCP leader Jayant Patil. Along with Parekh's brother, three other traders in Sangli City were also targeted in these raids. It was initially speculated that the raids were carried out due to irregularities in financial transactions.
Accordingly, the traders were thoroughly investigated by the ED. The bank accounts of the traders who have been questioned have also been probed. An investigation was started by the ED team at the main branch of Rajarambapu Co-operative Bank in Islampur Peti. Due to the ED inquiry, the employees in the bank were stranded. Around 80 employees were held up inside the bank's main branch.
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After 53 hours of ED investigation, the bank administration breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the ED officials came out of the bank at 5 am. After that, all the employees returned home. However, no information could be obtained regarding the inquiry into bank accounts conducted by the ED.
Rajarambapu Sahakari Bank was related to NCP state president Jayant Patil, and the ED's investigation created a lot of excitement. Because of this, back-and-forth discussions were also going on in the district. As only the accounts of the raided traders are in the bank, those accounts have been investigated. Chairman of the bank Shamrao Patil clarified that there is no other reference or reason.
As Rajarambapu Cooperative Bank is related to Nationalist Congress Party Maharashtra unit president Jayant Patil, there was a lot of excitement due to the ED's inquiry action. Due to this, widespread discussions were going on among the public in the district.