Mumbai: With the country still reeling from the devastating shockwaves created by the second wave of COVID-19, Mumbai's Dharavi, however, seems to have overcome it. In the last few days, 0 to 3 patients have been found in Dharavi with just one patient detected on 17th June. The total number of patients in Dharavi has gone up to 6863. Out of which 6498 patients have overcome corona and 6 are active patients.
Dharavi, the largest slum in Asia, became a hotspot last year due to the spread of the coronavirus. On April 1, the first patient was found in Dharavi. Since then, the number of patients has been increasing. After July-August, the number of daily cases in Dharavi reduced to double-digit numbers. The number of active patients also decreased.
The second wave of corona hit Mumbai in mid-February, as a result, the number of patients in Dharavi also increased during this period.
However, the number of new patients has now decreased. No new patient was found in Dharavi on June 14 and 15th. Zero patients have been registered in Dharavi for the eighth time so far.
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Assistant Commissioner Kiran Dighavkar informed that the municipal administration and health department have succeeded in stopping the spread of corona in Dharavi due to the support given by Dharavi Pattern, Mission Zero and Dharavikars.
The model implemented in Dharavi was discussed all over the country, and this model has been implemented in many places.