Mumbai: The Delhi police on Thursday recorded the statement of a dentist in Maharashtra's Vasai at whose clinic Shraddha Walkar had a few dental settings in 2021. The police visited Dr Ishan Mota's clinic to record his statement as they recovered a jaw from a forest in Delhi. The police suspect that the jaw could be Shraddha's and to confirm they interrogated the dentist and recorded his statement. Police took the dental records of Shraddha and noted the details of the payment made by credit card. Police said the X-rays and other medical documents would help to see if they matched the recovered jaw.
Also read: Shraddha's letter to police in 2020: 'Aftab will kill and cut me to pieces'
"Dr Mota informed us that Shraddha visited his clinic on different days for root canal treatment and has done about eight dental settings in November 2021. The matching of dental records could be used as additional or alternate evidence and help identify the skull if the teeth are found intact," a Delhi police said.