Palghar: An enraged youth was crushed to death by two vehicles after shooting dead a 21-year-old girl near Tima Hospital railway flyover on Boisar-Palghar road in Maharashtra on Thursday, officials said. It is said that the youth Krishna Yadav, a resident of Kolwade shot Neha Mehto of Saravali in her head from point blank range under the railway flyover around 3.30 pm leading to her death on the spot.
As Yadav was trying to flee from the spot, he was first hit by a car and then an Amry truck leaving him grievously injured. As soon as the incident was reported, the police immediately reached the spot and detained the accused, and admitted him to Tima hospital. But he also died during treatment. Police said that the pistol has been seized from the youth and further investigation is underway.
Also read: Caught on cam: 7-year-old abducted, stabbed to death by youth
The bone-chilling incident has been caught on camera. In the footage, the youth and the girl are seen walking together when the former suddenly burst a bullet on her back leaving her dead on the spot. Afterward, the youth is first seen aiming the pistol at his head but does not muster the courage to shoot himself.
Later, the youth is seen fleeing from the spot and is hit by the vehicles in another CCTV footage. Police said the incident seems to be related to a vexed relationship even as Boisar MIDC police are conducting further investigation.