Mumbai: Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Sunday felicitated railway police constable Sujitkumar Nikam whose presence of mind at Dahisar station saved a 60-year-old commuter from being crushed under a local train.
On Friday, passenger Ganpat Solanki was pulled from the edge of the platform by Nikam after the former jumped onto the tracks to catch a local train without seeing another approaching train.
Nikam slapped the passenger after rescuing him and Deshmukh, speaking at the felicitation ceremony, told the constable "you should have given more slaps instead of only one", adding that "everyone is in a hurry to go home".
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Meanwhile, Nikam said the passenger was confused and he pulled him to safety, adding that "I did my duty".
Both the minister and Nikam appealed to people to not cross tracks under any circumstance.