Mumbai (Maharashtra): Maharashtra Chief Minister's Special Duty Officer Dr Rahul Gethe received a threat letter written in red ink at his residence. The Maoists allegedly issued a death threat letter to the Special Duty Officer. Dr Rahul Gethe has been working as a Special Duty Officer of Eknath Shinde for the past five years. When Eknath Shinde was the Guardian Minister of the Gadchiroli district, he started many development works in Maoist-hit areas.
Special Duty Officer Dr Rahul was given the responsibility of supervising development works that were being implemented in the Gadchiroli district. Therefore, Maoists expressed displeasure and threatened Gethe. Upon becoming the Chief Minister, Eknath Shinde ordered to speed up the development works in the Gadchiroli district yet again. Hence, Dr Rahul was threatened by the Maoists and a death threat letter was sent to his home.