Pune: The decomposed body of a woman was found partially buried behind the locked bungalow of a former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator at a village in Maharashtra's Satara district, police said on Saturday. Former MLC Kanta Nalawade's family members found the body while cleaning the premises of the bungalow, where they stay only occasionally, they said.
"The mutilated and decomposed body of a woman was found partially buried in the soil at the back side of the bungalow, which was locked. It was found by the members of the family when they arrived there on Friday and started cleaning it," a police official said. The family members immediately informed the police, who launched a probe, he said, adding that the identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained.
Satara district Superintendent of Police Sameer Shaikh said, "We have recovered the decomposed body of a woman from the bungalow premises. We are checking all possible angles in this matter. The identity of the deceased will be established soon and the probe is on."(PTI)