Pune: Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh on Monday said that his force has received intelligence that terror-outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) is training people for an underwater attack.
"After the 26/11 attack in 2008, we set up coastal security. It is doing very well. As the Navy is overall in-charge of maritime security, including coastal security along with coast guard, the marine police and other stakeholders, we are ensuring that there is no intrusion from the seas," he told reporters here.
"We have received intelligence that the underwater wing of Jaish-e-Mohammed is being trained for attacks. We are keeping a track of it and we assure you that we are fully alert to foil any of their designs," Singh added.
JeM had orchestrated the Pulwama terror attack in which 42 CRPF jawans were killed in February this year.
When asked about the budgetary allocation to Indian Navy going down, he said: "Because of the budgetary allocation, we have to do a little bit revamp of our procurement plan. Yes, it has limited us to some extent."
Singh said that the Navy is observing Chinese movement in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).
"We are watching the progress in the IOR. Chinese want to become a global power, so they will come into the IOR. We are watching them. For us, our national interest is the topmost priority. We will have to act when there is something against our national interest," he said.
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