Mumbai (Maharashtra): Maharashtra Government on Wednesday issued an order that the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations will not be allowed at public places here in view of COVID-19. As per the directive, people were advised to celebrate the festival at home.
Ahead of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, the state government order stated that the celebrations may not be allowed in public places. "It is prohibited to visit the idol of Lord Ganesha or visit the mandap and the darshan should be made available online or through electronic means," said a statement released by the Maharashtra Home ministry.
Yesterday, Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar urged Mumbaikars to follow 'Mera Ghar, Mera Bappa' (My house, My lord Ganesha) and celebrate the festival at home. Pednekar said, "Being the Mumbai Mayor, I am going to follow 'Mera Ghar, Mera Bappa'. I will not go anywhere nor will I bring anyone near my lord. This is important to curb the third wave in the state."
Read: Public celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi not allowed in Delhi amid COVID-19: DDMA
According to the Maharashtra health department, the state reported 3,626 new cases on Monday and 37 fatalities due to COVID-19.