Mumbai: Former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh was admitted to KEM Hospital in Mumbai on Friday after he complained of chest pain. "Anil Deshmukh was admitted to ICU of KEM Hospital in Mumbai after he complained of chest pain, high BP and shoulder pain," an official statement said. He is currently in jail in connection with a money laundering case.
Notably, the Former Maharashtra Home Minister was arrested by ED in November, last year in connection with the alleged Rs 100-crore extortion and money laundering case. Former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh had accused Anil Deshmukh of asking dismissed assistant inspector Sachin Vaze to collect Rs 100 crore from hotels and bars in Mumbai every month. ED registered a case against Deshmukh and others based on a corruption case filed against him by the Central Bureau of Investigation. (ANI)
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