Pune: City Police are revisiting the facilities extended to women personnel in khaki after a woman police constable attending routine bandobast with her 9-month-old baby, caught the attention of a legislator who raised it with her immediate boss and brought it to the attention of the police top brass.
The woman police personnel identified as Mangal Sayaji Lakde attached to Lashkar Police Station was assigned to bandobast duty outside Central Building in the City, where teachers' protest had been planned Wednesday. She was seen holding her baby while she dispensed her security duty at the protest site.
Congress MLA Ravindra Dhangekar who came to the protest site witnessed the plight of Lakde and reached out to her senior and Police Inspector Dashrath Patil, Lashkar Police Station on the possibility of moving her to a lighter duty.
The woman constable claimed that she had sought for a two-day leave after her child ran a fever. However, her leave request was rejected. She placed another request for station duty. It is learnt that it could not be factored in due to the work exigency.
She expressed her frustration to the media on the lack of support and reforms in the department despite taking this matter up with the seniors. Her plight serves as a reminder that several women police personnel were facing similar problems.
DCP Samartha Patil who got representations in this regard inquired into the matter. A perusal of the woman constable's leave records showed that she has been granted 145 days of leave, which included 60 days of childcare leave and 45 days of earned leave.
Police sources said the woman constable was offered an alternative option of being transferred to the police headquarters, where they can avail creche facilities.
The DCP assured that they will pursue the matter and ensure the welfare of the woman constable.
This incident has sparked a discussion regarding the working conditions and challenges faced by women police officers in the force, emphasising the need for a better support system and a conducive work environment and maternal facilities provided at all stages and spheres of the workforce and not just limited to certain sections.
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