Shirdi: A gold crown worth Rs 46.70 lakhs was donated to Saibaba Sansthan by Sai devotees of Bengaluru. The devotees, Raja Dutta and Shivani Dutta donated the crown. Meanwhile, devotees have thronged Shirdi to start the new year with Sai darshan. There were long queues of devotees to have a darshan of Sai Baba on Saturday night and Sunday. Lakhs of devotees flocked to Shirdi to bid farewell to 2022 and have a darshan of Sai before ushering in the new year 2023.
Also read: "So much for wishful thinking...": Shivraj on Rahul sweeping MP polls
Sai Baba's temple was kept open for the darshan of devotees throughout Saturday night. A large crowd was seen on Saturday night and Sunday. Lakhs of devotees had a darshan of Sai Samadhi on Sunday.