Mumbai (Maharashtra): The Mumbai police registered a case against Chhota Shakeel, his brother-in-law Arif Bhaijaan and builder Jayesh Shah at Dongri police station for threatening a 45-year-old businessman. The businessman alleged that he had bought five-and-a-half acres in August 2012 on Mira road for Rs 4 crore. A few months after the agreement, he learnt that the builder Jayesh Shah has also made transactions with the old owners of the said plot. Therefore, the businessman decided to sell the land for which he approached the builder Jayesh Shah.
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Police said, "Jayesh Shah did not entertain the businessman and threatened him in the name of Chhota Shakeel. In 2018, Shyam Ojha, a real estate agent, convened a meeting with the businessman and Arif Bhaijaan, brother-in-law of Chota Shakeel, where they demanded Rs 5 crore and 50,000 square feet of land to settle the dispute. They used Shakeel's name to threaten the businessman." After the National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested Arif in another extortion case, the businessman mustered the courage to lodge a complaint against him.