Mumbai: The Amboli police on Wednesday registered a case against film producer Kamal Kishore Mishra after a complaint from his wife alleging that Mishra ran his car over her. His wife, claiming that she has suffered from severe head injuries due to the incident, told the officials that she had caught Mishra red-handed with another woman in his car, and to escape the confrontation, he harmed her and fled the spot.
The incident has been captured on the CCTV camera at Mishra's house, where his wife was paid a visit on October 19 as mentioned in the police complaint. She further informed that as soon as she reached his house, she saw the car parked in the parking space with her husband and a woman sitting inside. "I knocked on the window and told him I wanted to talk. But he did not open it and instead tried to run away. I tried to stop the car, but he ran it over me," she informed the police while filing the complaint.
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In the CCTV footage, the woman can be seen furiously knocking at the car window, while it rams into her and runs over her. A man, supposedly a relative or house help, then comes to help her out. As informed by Mishra's wife, her head was severely injured because of this. She immediately rushed to the Amboli police station and filed a complaint against her husband there. The officials have booked Mishra under sections 279 and 338 of the IPC.
The producer is currently absconding, while the police are trying to locate him. They also said that the matter shall be investigated thoroughly.