Hingoli: In a bizarre incident reported from Maharashtra's Hingoli district, a man bit a snake after the reptile attacked him while he was trying to catch it.
The incident took place in Maharashtra's Kasabe Dhawanda village when the villagers were trying to catch hold of a snake, but failed many times. It was when Sanjay Kachru Khilare (45) offered help but in the process was bitten by the reptile.
After being bitten, Khilare picked up the snake, bit it twice and stuffed it in the bag. Some of the villagers even filmed and photographed the incident.
The man claimed that he did it in anger as the snake had bitten him.
Surprisingly, the man then took the snake to the hospital for treatment.
Khilare was brought to the primary health center at Balapur for treatment where doctors referred him to Nanded for further treatment.
However, according to doctors, his condition is said to be stable now as the snake had not released its venom.
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