Mumbai: Arthur Road Jail officials on Friday said that Aryan Khan will not be released from jail today. He will be released tomorrow morning after bail formalities have been completed.
Earlier in the day, the Bombay High Court had issued the detailed order with bail conditions for Aryan Khan Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha-- arrested in the drugs-on-cruise case.
In the detailed order, the Bombay High Court asked Aryan and the two others to surrender their passports to Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) court, and not leave the country without permission from the special court.
"Each accused be released on bail on furnishing a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh with one or more sureties of like amount," the bail order said.
The court asked all three applicants to appear before the NCB Mumbai office every Friday, between 11.00 am to 2.00 pm to mark their presence.