Mumbai: Bombay High court on Thursday granted bail to Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, after 25 days of judicial custody in connection with Mumbai cruise ship drugs case. The Court has also granted bail to Arbaz Merchant and Munmum Dhamecha in connection with the case.
Former AG Mukul Rohatgi, who represented Aryan Khan in Bombay HC said, "the Bombay HC has granted bail to Aryan Khan, Arbaz Merchant, Munmun Dhamecha after hearing the arguments for 3 days. However, the detailed order will be given on Friday. Hopefully, all they will come out of the jail by tomorrow or Saturday."
"They (Aryan Khan, Arbaz Merchant & Munmum Dhamecha) will come out of jail after the order is released from the court... For me, it is a regular case - to win some, to lose some. I am happy that he (Khan) has got bail," Mukul added.
Aryan is among several others who were detained from the alleged party that they attended aboard the luxury ship on a Mumbai-Goa cruise. In a first-of-its-kind operation on a cruise ship, the Narcotics Control Bureau swooped on the rave party being held on the cruise ship off the Mumbai coast.
The operation followed a tip-off on the proposed rave party that was planned aboard a cruise ship bound on a Mumbai-Goa voyage, setting sail from the International Cruise Terminal, Mumbai.
The advertising for the party was reportedly done via social media with the ticket rates at Rs 75,000 per person. To avoid detection, the NCB sleuths booked themselves on that cruise as ordinary passengers and they soon found some of their co-passengers consuming drugs. Then the NCB launched its full-scale raid, and detained eight passengers, including two women and seized different types of narcotic substances in varying quantities.
Different drugs like MDMA, ecstasy, cocaine, MD (mephedrone) and charas were recovered from them during the raid conducted on Saturday evening. During the operation, the suspects were searched by the sleuths and different drugs were recovered from them. The drugs were hidden in their clothes, undergarments and purses (by women).