Mumbai: The Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) of Maharashtra Police has arrested a man who was wanted in the Nallasopara arms haul case and also for planning an attack at the Sunburn music festival in 2017, an official said here.
Pratap Judishtar Hajra alias Pratap Hajra, the accused, was a resident of West Bengal, the official said on Thursday.
After receiving information about his whereabouts, an ATS team arrested him from Nainapur in South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal earlier this week, he said.
Hajra was allegedly involved in planning a terror attack at Sunburn Festival organised in Pune in December 2017, which did not materialise. He was also wanted in the Nallasopara arms haul case of 2018. Till now ATS has arrested 12 persons in the case, the officer added.
A court here remanded Hajra in ATS custody till January 30, the officer added.
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