Mumbai (Maharashtra): Humans of Bombay Facebook page shared a heart-wrenching story of a 74-year-old auto driver residing in Mumbai — Deshraj Singh, who originally hails from Himachal Pradesh, on its Facebook page. People liked it extremely and in a very short period, it became viral. Meanwhile, a campaign for online donations for Deshraj was undertaken. The original target was to raise Rs. 20 lakhs via this drive. But, people responded overwhelmingly and as much as 24 lakh rupees were collected. The cheque of the amount has been handed over to Deshraj recently.
Received fund through Crowd Funding
Humans of Bombay Institute created a profile of auto driver Deshraj on its Facebook page. His woeful story was shared on it. 74-year-old Deshraj is the lone breadwinner for his family. Despite his old age, he runs an auto in Mumbai to earn some money. He had three sons and a daughter, but two of them have died. Now, he has to provide for his wife, daughter in law and four grandsons. The story said that he had sold his house for continuing the education of his grandson in Delhi.
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24 lakhs rupees collected through Crowd Funding in a short period
After receiving 24 lakh rupees as financial help, Humans of Bombay Institute has written that the financial support Deshraj has got is unmatched. Now, he can continue the education of his grandsons in a decent manner.
The saga of the struggle of an old auto driver goes viral
The woeful saga of the struggle of an old auto driver was brought to the notice of the people with the help of the people of Mumbai. It received a huge response and became viral to a large extent. The amount received through Crowd Funding was handed over to Deshraj. A smile of relief could be seen on his face.
Tira Kamat also got a ray of new life through Crowd Funding
A couple, Mihir and Priyanka Kamat residing in Andheri were blessed with a baby girl on 14th August 2020. She was facing trouble after some days while drinking milk. She was diagnosed with a rare disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Gene Therapy injection is needed to recover from this disease which costs Rs. 16 Crores. When Kamats' received this news, they were shocked.
But, they did not give up the battle and raised the required amount through Crowd Funding. A six months old Tira Kamat was blessed with a ray of new life through Crowd Funding. Though social media is being labelled as mere entertainment, it is coming to the rescue of needy people on many occasions and proving to be advantageous. Kamats have raised 16 Crores rupees through social media and institutes giving medical aid free of cost. Humans Of Bombay Institute handed over 24 lakh rupees to an old auto driver, received through donations by making viral the story on its Facebook page in a very short period.