Indore: A young man, who is a vegetarian, had a shock of his life on Sunday when he found chicken bones in his biriyani served at a restaurant in Vijay Nagar of Madhya Pradesh's Indore district. According to police, on Sunday night, Akash Dubey, a resident of Shalimar, had gone out for dinner at a restaurant in the district. He ordered a veg biriyani but instead, he was served non-veg biriyani. When he complained about it to the hotel manager, the manager did not accept the fact that it was their mistake and on the contrary, Dubey was ignored and misbehaved.
Also read: Worms found in food served at tribal girls hostel in MP's Chhindwara, probe underway
Following this, Dubey went to the Vijay Nagar police station and lodged a complaint regarding the whole incident. "The complainant says that he is a Brahmin and his religious sentiments have been badly hurt by the incident. We have started an investigation into the incident. A case has been registered against the hotel manager under Section 298 and other sections for hurting religious sentiments," said Sampat Upadhyay, DCP.