Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Wednesday said that transfer of money to women under the state government's Ladli Behna Yojana causes pain to the Congress. He was speaking at a function where he transferred Rs 1,576 crore to 1.29 crore beneficiaries under the scheme, launched by the previous BJP government headed by Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
Congress had expressed doubts as to whether the scheme, started before the November 2023 assembly elections, would continue after Yadav replaced Chouhan. On Wednesday, Yadav transferred money under the scheme with the single click of a mouse for the first time after becoming chief minister.
"I do not know why it causes pain to Congress leaders when the government transfers money.
They said the government will not do this. Now when the government is transferring money, they start saying it will not happen next time. I say we will continue to do so and their pain will continue," he said. Under the scheme, the government transfers Rs 1250 per month to every beneficiary.
Congress leader K K Mishra, meanwhile, claimed that the number of beneficiaries under the Chouhan government was 1.31 crore, and now it has dropped to 1.29 crore.
Reacting to Mishra's claim, state BJP media in-charge Ashish Agrawal said the Congress is a "factory of lies."
He shared data saying that the number of beneficiaries fell by 1.75 lakh from September last year due to various reasons. Among other things, some 1.56 lakh women became ineligible after crossing the age of 60, while more than 18,000 women gave up benefit.
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