Tikamgarh (Madhya Pradesh): Former MP Chief Minister Uma Bharti who visited the Dr Rajendra Prasad District Hospital on Thursday night had promised that there would be no shortage of oxygen in the hospital and that arrangements would be made to facilitate the admission of new patients.
However, the ground reality is totally different when the ETV Bharat team did a reality check of the arrangements made at the hospital.
Also read: Delays hit distribution of imported oxygen equipment
There is no oxygen supply anywhere in the hospital, other than in the Isolation Ward. One of the relatives of the patient who was seen carrying an oxygen cylinder on a stretcher said that he had to purchase the oxygen cylinder from outside as the hospital has run out of oxygen.
He further added that even doctors are not treating the patient properly and that patients do not even have basic facilities.
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In some places, the rampant surge in Covid infections is such that hospitals are not accepting new admissions. In District Hospitals, the situation is so bad that patients need to fight for treatment.
In the midst of such fatal circumstances in the district, though former Chief Minister Uma Bharti's claims on having visited the hospital raised the expectations among the people of the district, in reality, they have all failed.