Tikamgarh: Police have arrested a third accused in the Kitty Kumaramangalam murder case from Madhya Pradesh's Tikamgarh on Monday. Jewellery worth Rs 33 lakh, mobile phones and around Rs 9020 in cash have also been seized from his possession.
Kitty Kumaramangalam (70), the wife of late former Union Miiinster P Rangarajan Kumaramangalam, was killed by three men on July 6 at her residence in the national capital.
Jatara SDOP Yogendra Singh Bhadauria informed following a complaint filed by Mithila Devi, house help of Kumaramangalam, a raid was conducted following which the arrest was made. He also said that the accused was hiding in his in-law's house along with his wife and children.
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According to Mithila, Kitty asked her to take clothes from a laundryman named Raju at around 8:30 pm on July 6 when he along with his two associates entered the house forcefully and started thrashing her. After they took house help hostage, they killed Kitty Kumaramangalam and robbed her house, police said.
The three accused have been identified as Raju (24), Rakesh (34) and Suraj Kumar. All are residents of Delhi, they added.
P Rangarajan Kumaramangalam was a union minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government from 1998 to 2001.
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