Tikamgarh (MP): A 17-year-old boy on Tuesday allegedly shot dead his mother in Tikamgarh city of Madhya Pradesh as he was apparently angry with her for scolding and beating him on several occasions, a police official said. The boy, a student of class 11, used his father Ramesh Rajak's licensed rifle to shoot at his 43-year-old mother Sapna Rajak at their home, killing her on the spot, the official said.
His father, who works as a security guard in a bank, was not home at the time. After committing the crime, the teenager informed the police and waited for them to arrive at the scene, the official said. As per a police official, the teenager was sitting comfortably on the chair while the woman's body was in a pool of blood in the house when the police arrived at the scene.
Also read: 'Mentally unsound' man kills mother, two others in J-K's Anantnag
Asked about it, the boy said that his mother "did not love him" and used to "fight whenever she saw" him. Police are also interrogating the father about the weapon and other circumstances surrounding the shocking murder. "The boy was unhappy with his mother's attitude towards him as she used to scold him now and then and also beat him badly on several occasions which enraged him a lot, rural police station in-charge Preeti Bhargava said citing the preliminary investigation. A case of murder has been registered and the boy has been detained. The incident sent shockwaves through the town as neighbours could not believe something like this could take place in their vicinity.