Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The probe in the honey-trapping case should be supervised by a DG-rank officer not under the control in Police Head Quarters, Purushottam Sharma, Special DG (Cyber Cell) has said.
Raising questions over DGP VK Singh, Sharma said, "It is all in the fairness of justice that supervision of Special Investigation Team (SIT) is carried out by the DG rank official who is not under the control in Police Head Quarters (PHQ)."
Five women accused in the honey trapping case were taken to Bhopal by Indore Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Saturday afternoon, police said.
The five women Shweta Vijay Jain, Shweta Swapnil Jain, Barkha, Aarti Dayal, and Monika Yadav were taken in two police vehicles amid tight security arrangements.
As per sources, they will be interrogated in Bhopal, Sagar, Chhindwara, and Chhattarpur. They can also be taken to Delhi if SIT manages to get sufficient evidence from them.
Six persons including five women and a man were arrested in connection with the honey trapping case.
The incident came to light after an Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) engineer filed a complaint alleging that two women were blackmailing him by threatening to make some objectionable videos viral. The engineer was later suspended from the service by the IMC.
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