Gwalior: The Gwalior bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court on Monday cancelled the caste certificate of Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Jajpal Singh Jajji and directed the superintendent of police of Ashok Nagar district to register a case against him on the issue. The single bench of Justice GS Ahluwalia, which imposed a cost of Rs 50,000 on Jajji, also directed the court registry to send a copy of the decision to the Madhya Pradesh Assembly speaker for necessary action.
On December 9, the matter was heard and verdict on the petition filed by BJP worker Ladduram Kori who contested unsuccessfully against Jajji in the 2018 Assembly polls from Ashok Nagar (Scheduled Caste-reserved) seat, was passed on Monday. The bench said that he had failed to prove he belongs to the 'Nat' community, which is listed as a Scheduled Caste.
Therefore, the caste certificate issued by sub-divisional officer, Ashok Nagar that Jajpal Singh Jajji belongs to the Nat caste is hereby quashed and is confiscated with immediate effect, the High Court said. Kori's advocate Sangam Jain said his client had filed the petition alleging Jajji's caste certificate was fake.
This contention was upheld by the HC, which has ordered the Ashok Nagar SP to register an FIR against Jajji and asked that a copy of the order be sent to the Assembly speaker for further action, Jain informed. Jajji could not be contacted for comments. (With Agency Inputs)