Bhopal : Yet another video of brutality surfaced on social media showing a man stripped half-naked, beaten with sticks and forced to pick up shoes with his mouth in Madhya Pradesh’s Rewa district. Police claimed to have checked the authenticity of the viral video and said it was a two-year-old incident. The accused Jawahar Singh Gond belongs to tribal community and is a government employee in Hanumana tehsil around 70 km from the district headquarters Rewa.
The accused had not only executed the inhuman act but shot a video. The victim, who is known to the accused as both belong to the same village, also had the video but was not encouraged to tell it to anyone due to fear of embarrassment. The viral video showed the accused was beating the young man half-naked with a stick.
He also punched him multiple times in a row, due to which the victim's jaw was injured. After the Sidhi urination incident surfaced and the accused Pravesh Shukla was sent to jail after invoking the National Security Act (NSA), some people convinced the victim to make the video viral on social media a couple of days back, after which a complaint was lodged at Hanumana police station.
Police said the victim, who is a 35-year-old youth, used to drive the pick-up vehicle of the accused. The victim had bought land in the neighbourhood of the accused on which the latter had illegal possession. "The accused Jawahar Singh has been arrested on Friday and has been booked under IPC and IT Act. The victim was serving as driver for the accused for the last few years and they had a dispute over land also," Hanumana police station in-charge Chetan Marskole told IANS on Monday.
Sources told IANS that the accused, Jawahar Singh Gond (55) is a government employee at a government school in Hanumana and his wife is a Sarpanch of the village. (IANS)