Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Health Minister Narottam Mishra on Sunday said that a law against "Love Jihad" will be brought in the next session of the assembly and it will be stricter than other states in the country.
Speaking to reporters, he said discussions are underway to bring a stricter law which will have provisions for penalty up to 10 years of imprisonment.
Apart from this, provisions of alimony and property attachment are also being considered to be included in the law, he said.
"Those assisting in committing this crime will also be considered a party to the crime and there will be a provision to punish them too," he added.
This comes weeks after Uttar Pradesh government approved the ordinance, Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion Bill 2020, that seeks to check forceful religious conversions for marriage.
Also Read: Uttar Pradesh: Moradabad police register first case under 'love-jihad' law