Chhindwara: In an inspiring story, eight tribal students at the Eklavya Adarsh Residential School in Madhya Pradesh's Singardeep have brought laurels to the state by qualfying the prestigious JEE main examination 2023 without any private coaching, an official said. Satyendra Singh Markam, Assistant Commissioner of the Madhya Pradesh Tribal Affairs Department, said that among the qualified students, six are boys and two are girls.
The students Tarun Kumar Ahike, Akhilesh Kokodia, Shyam Uike, Pawan Bharti , Mangal Singh Uike, Gunja, Deepika Bhalavi and Jaidev Uike have qualified the JEE Main 2023 through their sheet hardwork and the guidance of their teachers without any private tuition, Markam said. The qualified students are children of farmers and laborers and have brought laurels to their parents by clearing the JEE main exam this year.
Also read: JEE-Main results 2023: 43 candidates bag perfect 100 score
Their qualification in the prestigious examination will inspire other students especially from the tribal community in Madhya Pradesh to excel in the engineering competitive examination. Virendra Soni, Superintendent of the hostel of Eklavya Residential School, Singardeep, said that the hardwork of the students has paid off.
He said that all the teachers of the school used to guide the children, who equally worked hard and cleared the exam. Besides the said eight students, Ritu of Government Girls Education Complex, Chhindwara, Vedvyas Amravanshi of Shri Nandlal Sood Government School, Junnardev and Ashish Chichalwar, a student of Government Model Higher Secondary School, Harrai, have also been successful in the JEE main 2023 examination.
Eklavya Adarsh Residential School is being run for the purpose of providing quality education to the economically weaker Scheduled Tribe children.