Narsinghpur (MP): The railway police on Saturday seized Rs 46 lakh in cash from a passenger in Madhya Pradesh's Narsinghpur district in the run-up to the April-May Lok Sabha polls, Collector Deepak Saxena said.
Gautam Kumar Kushwaha was traveling in a sleeper coach of the Amarkantak Express with money stashed in polythene bags.
Saxena said, "Kushwaha told investigators thathe was taking money to Bhopal. After receiving the information, Gadarwara railway police had begun a probe and had also intimated Income Tax authorities."
Chavi Bhardwaj, Jabalpur collector, said, " I have received the information and as the money recovered is more than 10 lakh, the matter will be transferred to Income Tax department. In preliminary investigation, if it is found to be a matter of unaccounted income then a case will be registered here and accordingly prompt action will be taken."
A thorough investigation is underway into the matter.