Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Karni Sena's national president Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi was shot dead in Rajasthan's Jaipur on December 5. Responding to the gruesome murder, former dacoit and Congress leader Malkhan Singh said that those who commit murders for money are middlemen and not brave.
Speaking to the ETV Bharat, Malkhan Singh said, "This is not the murder of Gogamedi. but the murder of the entire country." The former dacoit also showed concern and questioned, "What could be a bigger murder than this?" He further stated that a true man, who was engaged in protecting the country, was eliminated. As long as the work of these brokers, middlemen and contractors continues, injustice will continue to happen in the country. Singh termed Gogamedi as a great and brave man and said, ''Those who killed Gogamedi should be sent for gallows.''
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