Bhopal: While thousands across the country are familiar with actor Ranganathan Madhavan, as well as his craft on the big screen, another Madhavan, the actor's son, secured a gold medal in 200 metres freestyle swimming on Tuesday at the ongoing Khelo India Youth Games in Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Vedaant opened up about his dream, goals and whether any possible shifts to a movie career seem likely on the horizon.
When asked about his success at the meet, Vedaant noted that he has been doing better in swimming for the last six years. "Khelo India is one of my favoured competitions, and the contest is quite difficult here. I have been putting in my efforts. I sustained a slight (hand) injury here, but it is not anything serious, we keep encountering these issues even while practising," Vedaant said.
Also read: 1500 players to take part in Khelo India Winter Games in J&K: Thakur
When asked whether he had in mind any possible switch to an acting career, Vedaant emphasised that he wished to continue putting in full efforts in swimming. "Dad is doing his own work, and his new film is doing well, too. He appreciates my progress in this field. Whenever I face a big competition, he calls me and provides tips to secure good results. He plays an immense role in my life. My main goal, however, is to focus on what I am doing, and to win a gold medal in the Olympics," Vedaant noted.