Thiruvananthapuram/New Delhi: Kerala CPI (M) secretary M V Govindan on Friday said neither he nor Assembly Speaker A N Shamseer ever said that Lord Ganesha is a myth and criticised the "false campaign" unleashed by political opponents and a section of the media on the issue. Both Lord Ganesha and Allah are part of the faith of their respective religious faithful, and there was no need for him to state that they are just myths, he said.
His statement comes amid growing protests from Hindu organisations, including the influential Nair Service Society (NSS), over Shamseer's alleged recent remarks about the Hindu deity during a speech in a school in Ernakulam district while criticising the education policy of the Narendra Modi-led BJP government at the Centre.
Talking to reporters in New Delhi, Govindan said the CPI(M) has always been with the real believers and Kerala society, which goes ahead upholding history and science together and eyeing social development, is well aware of its stand. Govindan's statement also comes in the wake of the BJP-led Sangh Parivar campaign over his controversial remarks during a recent press meet.
"I have never said that...You please see the video of the press conference again. If you listen to the explanation (given for myths), you can understand it clearly," said Govindan, who is also a politburo member of the CPI(M). The senior Marxist leader said both Lord Ganesha and Allah were part of the faith, and then why should he say that they are just myths.
Sensing the move of political opponents targeting the CPI(M) on the issue, Govindan clarified that neither he nor Speaker Shamseer said anything like that, and all these were part of a false campaign unleashed by a section of the media and the opposition parties. He also said he had explained in detail during the Wednesday press conference held in Thiruvananthapuram what a myth was by citing the story about Parasurama creating Kerala by hurling his axe into the sea.
Coming down heavily on the opposition parties' allegations against the ruling CPI(M) and Shamseer over his remarks on the Hindu deity, the leader said the Marxist party is with the real believers in society and not with the fake believers and communalists who use faith as a tool for political purposes. Addressing the media on Wednesday, Govindan had said Shamseer will neither apologise nor issue a correction regarding his controversial remarks about Lord Ganesha, which have stirred the political waters in the state.
Amidst criticism from various Hindu organisations and political parties, like Congress and the BJP, demanding an apology from Shamseer as well as his resignation from the post of Speaker, the CPI(M) had made it abundantly clear that he did no wrong. Govindan, at the press conference, had said there was no need for an apology or issuing a correction in connection with the statement by Shamseer.
During an event organised at a school in Ernakulam district recently, Shamseer allegedly accused the Centre of trying to teach children Hindu myths instead of accomplishments in science and technology. The BJP and right wing outfits like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) have already launched a campaign against Shamseer, saying they are aggrieved over the Speaker's comments regarding Lord Ganesha and the mythical 'pushpaka vimanam'.
The ruling CPI(M) had on Saturday strongly condemned the campaign by the Sangh Parivar against Shamseer over his reported controversial remarks. Misinterpreting myths and beliefs and portraying them as scientific thoughts would only lead to the backtracking of the progress of society and checking the development of science, the CPI(M) had earlier said in a statement. (PTI)