Ernakulam (Kerala): Malayalam channel MediaOne, the telecast of which was stopped by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry citing security reasons, would approach the Supreme Court against the Centre's ruling. A Kerala High Court division bench, headed by Chief Justice S Manikumar, on Wednesday disposed the appeal of the channel against a single bench order of the High Court.
The petitioner had argued that the Centre had violated fundamental rights while banning the channel broadcast and had cited former judgments of the Supreme Court. The petitioner said it is a constitutional issue and should be brought under judicial examination.
The channel also appealed to the court not to block a judicial examination in the name of national security. However, the High Court that had examined the details provided by the central government in a sealed cover, disposed of the petition, refusing to stay the Single Bench order.
The Centre banned the telecast of the channel on January 31 without showing any reasons. Later, while considering the petition from the Channel, High Court had sent a notice to the Centre government and had asked them to furnish the details.
The Centre then told the court that the reasons for the ban cannot be made public and it would submit the details on a sealed cover. After examining the contents provided by the Centre, the single bench had dismissed the petition.
READ: Centre bans MediaOne news channel again, Kerala HC stays the order for two days