Kottayam: Pala police to soon arrest the organisers of Kerala State Junior Athletics Championship in the death of a 17-year-old student, who died on Monday after a hammer hit his head during the hammer throw competition at the Kerala State Junior Athletics Championship held at Pala at the Government Medical College Hospital, Kottayam.
According to the inquiry, it was found that organiser's negligence is the reason that caused the death of Apheel Johnson.
Action will be taken against five Athletic Association office-bearers, including the judges of the competition.
The Pala police will arrest the accused as soon as they get instructions from district police officials.
The investigation revealed that it is the decision of judges and organisers to conduct hammer throw and javelin throw competitions at the same time.
The organisers also set the same finishing point for the two matches. However, it was not clear who gave these instructions. Thus, the police decided to file a case against the five.
The case is registered for involuntary manslaughter and for organising dangerous contests.
On October 4, a hammer hit the head of volunteer Apheel Johnson during the Junior Athletic Meet in Pala. Afiel died on the 18th day after being seriously injured.
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