Ernakulam (Kerala): The 26-year-old mother and her two-and-a-half-year-old son from Liberia in West Africa stranded in Kochi city of Kerala amid corona-induced lockdown are all set to return home on Thursday.
Reportedly, Jenneh Paye and her son Jin had reached Kochi on March 2 seeking medical treatment for Jin’s heart problem. The persistent lack of a proportional weight gain in the child and his lung-related diseases led to detailed medical examinations revealing his condition. It was concluded that he would require open-heart surgery to treat his condition.
The Liberian mother and her son have been staying in the hospital for the last six months after the surgery and recovery. Their return to Liberia was originally scheduled on April 2, but owing to the coronavirus lockdown they couldn't plan their travel.
Jin was admitted to Kochi Lisie Hospital on March 6, with the pediatric cardiology department. On March 12, Jin underwent open-heart surgery. A hole in the iota pulmonary window was surgically sealed by the doctors.
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As they couldn't travel back home right after the treatment, they were let to remain in the hospital by the hospital authorities. The hospital arranged to serve them an elaborate Onasadhya on the Uthradam day and gave them a warm send-off. Hospital Director Father Paul Karedan said they arranged for an Onasadhya at the hospital even amid a COVID situation.
Hardly had the mother and son finished their delicious sadya than they received a message from Ms Paye’s husband Peter telling them to get ready to fly back home on September 6 through Mumbai, said a press release from the hospital.