Thiruvananthapuram: Soon after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials completed a raid at Bineesh Kodiyeri’s house at Maruthamkuzhi, in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, the ED officials and the Kerala police locked horns.
Based on formal complaints from relatives that Bineesh’s wife and their two and a half-year-old daughter were harassed mentally and physically by the ED team at their house, Kerala Police issued a notice to the ED officials asking to report at the Poojappura Police Station. The police sent the notice by email on Thursday.
The Central agency had raided Bineesh’s house for more than 24 hours from Wednesday morning in connection with a money laundering case charged against him. Earlier, the ED had arrested Bineesh in connection with the case.
Read: ED raids Bineesh Kodiyeri's residence in Kerala
Bineesh’s wife and little children were restrained by the officials until their relatives reached the house and started protesting. The Commission for Protection of Child Rights had also issued a notice to the ED against restraining the children for more than 24 hours in the name of a raid at their house.
The ED officials, who left Bineesh’s house after the raid on Thursday around 11 am, were blocked by the State Police team led by the Cantonment Police Assistant Commissioner and sought an explanation for the prolonged raid in his house and restricting his family.
Also read: ED, IT teams to probe Bineesh Kodiyeri's dealings in Kerala