Kochi: A Kerala Police official was arrested for allegedly misbehaving with women in a village in Kerala's Ernakulam district. The incident was reported from a village under Ramamangalam police station limits in Ernakulam district. According to an officer of Ramamangalam police station, a complaint was received on Tuesday alleging that officer A.S. Pareeth, a native of Kothamangalam, was arrested by Ramamangalam police in the morning for misbehaving with women at a waterfall in the area.
"An FIR was lodged yesterday and the investigation is going on. The officer has been arrested," police said. Another police official Baiju of Muvatupuzha Police Station was also suspended for allegedly being drunk and making noise in a public place. Aluva Rural SP Vivek Kumar took action against both of them after conducting a preliminary investigation.
It is alleged that one of the women who had come to see Areekal Water Falls was caught by the accused policeman. The women alleged that the policeman touched their bodies on the pretext of protecting them when they got into the water. The complainant complaint stated that the policeman reacted because he touched her body again despite repeating that he should not do it again.
The local people who were with the young women intervened and had a verbal argument with the accused policemen. They then handed him over to Ramamangalam police.
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