Ernakulam (Kerala): In a deeply disturbing incident at Perumbavoor, a town in the Ernakulam district of Kerala, two individuals employed at a local plywood factory were apprehended by Kerala police for the alleged sexual abuse of a three-and-a-half-year-old girl. The arrest took place on Saturday, following a formal complaint filed by the child's mother, who hails from Assam, just like the accused.
The heart-wrenching ordeal unfolded when the young victim was innocently playing in the vicinity of the plywood factory where her father worked. According to the complaint lodged by the mother, her daughter was lured away by the two suspects, who then subjected her to sexual abuse. The mother's harrowing statement read, "My daughter was taken to a secluded spot and was sexually abused by the duo. Subsequently, my child complained of physical discomfort, prompting us to seek medical assistance. Shockingly, medical examinations confirmed the horrifying sexual assault on my innocent daughter."
Deeply concerned for her child's well-being, the mother promptly alerted the local authorities about the heinous crime. Law enforcement swiftly swung into action, leading to the arrest of the two accused individuals. During a face-to-face identification process, the traumatised toddler positively recognised the perpetrators, further strengthening the case against them.
In accordance with the stringent provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, the Kerala police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against the alleged perpetrators. Subsequently, the accused individuals were placed in police custody for intensive questioning, as investigators sought to unravel the full extent of their involvement and the circumstances surrounding the despicable act.
The incident has prompted outrage and calls for swift justice, as the local community grapples with the shocking violation of an innocent child's rights and safety. Perumbavoor, nestled in the Ernakulam district of Kerala, has long been a haven for migrant labourers hailing from diverse regions. These labourers, along with their families, often reside in makeshift camps within the town. According to the police, this case underscores the need for enhanced vigilance and security measures to safeguard vulnerable individuals within these communities, where transient populations can be at heightened risk.
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