Kochi (Kerala): The special court of National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Kerala on Saturday directed the DGP Prisons to provide all kinds of protection to Sarith PS, the accused in the Kerala gold smuggling case. The court directed this while considering the petition filed by Sarith PS alleging that he was constantly tortured inside the prison by three policemen that includes the Poojappura Central Prison Superintendent. In the meantime, the Superintendent of Poojappura Central Prison submitted a report complaining that Kerala gold smuggling case Sarith PS and Ramees KT are not following prison rules. Superintendent submitted this report before Special NIA Court, Principal Sessions Court and Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate (Economic Offences) Court in Kochi.
As per the report, "Ramees was seen smoking something in the backyard of the prison building. When Ramees was smoking, Sarith stood in front of the cell to observe whether any officials are coming towards the area. The CCTV visuals confirmed this fact. Ramees had received a parcel a few days back. It is observed that some items banned in the prison were found. Noticing this, the prison officials refused to hand over the parcel to Ramees. An argument broke out between Ramees and the officials over the incident. The report was prepared after examining CCTV visuals on July 5." Sarith and Ramees are now in Poojappura Central Prison at Thiruvananthapuram.